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Please note that we are not responsible for and have no control of any mobile application’s (including the Affiliated Application’s) privacy practices and have no control over how the developer of a mobile application collects, uses or shares information about you. This Privacy Policy outlines the privacy practices associated with the AppsGeyser Service and covers our treatment of personal information that we collect when you install a mobile application that uses our Service. While AppsGeyser is not the publisher of the Affiliated Application, it does offer the Affiliated Application mobile analytics and intelligence services by collecting certain information relating to your use of the Affiliated Application and/or other applications installed on your device, and other functions of your mobile device in order to allow the Affiliated Application and other AppsGeyser partners to deliver advertisements, products, and services that are relevant and meaningful to their users (collectively: the “Services”).

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The Affiliated Application is using one or more of the services offered by AppsGeyser. Please review the Privacy Policy carefully. By installing the mobile application linking to this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy” and “Affiliated Application”), you are agreeing to comply with, and be bound by, the following Privacy Policy, and when applicable any other AppsGeyser operating rules policies, and other supplemental terms and conditions or documents that may be published from time to time.

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